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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Night I Whacked My Alter Ego, Part I

It was another of those nights I’m having difficulty falling asleep. I tried counting sheep and when the count was at 901,384,309 I got frustrated noticing that there are some sheep crossing back to the fence where I started the counting. It made me lose count! The disappointment was so bad that it made me more awake!

Rather than do a recount, I just decided to watch TV. What a bad decision! It was dancing with the stars which kept me watching until my favourite celebrity is on. By the time they were announcing the scores I have been more awake as I was a while ago.

Maybe I could read a chess book that will make my mind tired at analysing chess positions? I’m sure it will make me feel sleepy, I thought. So from the book shelf I took a chess book about the Najdorf Defence. As I study the positions on my chess board, I wanted to try it at once on an opponent. But who am I going to play with, when I’m all by myself in the place? If I play over the internet there is no guarantee that my opponents will cooperate to reach my intended study position. What can I do? I asked myself. Hmmm.. If only I can summon my alter ego...

Suddenly I heard someone getting out of my bed walking out of the bedroom yawning. “Erhhh!” He yawns and said, " Why are you still up this time, shouldn’t you be sleeping?" It’s my alter ego looking and talking at me! I couldn’t believe it!!

"Ok, I know what you want. You want me to practice the Najdorf Defence with you isn’t that right?" He asked. “Oh yes please, what a fantastic idea!” I replied. “But first we should take photos together as this is one of a kind phenomenon. People will not believe me that I have played you --my own alter ego, if I have no evidence, you know.” I added. “Alright.” He said. So we took a photo together via a timed shot both holding the book, Mastering the Najdorf (see photo above). In the photo he is the one having a can of coke.

We were having a fantastic time studying the Najdorf Defence. Most of the positions are "double edged" and very sharp. There is a fair deal of tactical subtleties but it can also be played using a strategist style. It is quite a reliable defence and is a good choice to play for a win as black. No wonder the former world champion Kasparov uses this defence as his main weapon in most of his matches!

During the study my alter ego noticed my money lying on the table and was not able to help himself. “Hey, what about we make this game more interesting? Want to play for money? Most wins in four games?” He asked. I was a bit embarrassed to refuse as it was the first time he had shown himself to me physically. “Sure” I replied.

The bet was on! $20 a win! He went to the bedroom, snatched my piggy bank and took all the money inside to use as his bets. I can’t really complain as that money is technically his because he is really me –only as my alter ego.I was really excited to play him because I know we are of equal strength, as after all I am practically playing my own self! Yet at the time I still wonder a great deal on who would get the most wins...

.... continuation here.


Akemi Ito said...

Oh ho ho, haven't laughed like that in ages- it's like something plucked from my life- enjoying your blog. Yopur art is fantastic- I'm loath to give my interepations of these things because, well, i've no idea about surrealism, but it certainly stirs something in the chest.

Joemar aka chessmagic5 said...

Thank you bt.

Surrealism is really addictive once you really know more about it.

Tami Daun said...

So, the sheep pulled the old, "jump back over" trick on you. hehe...don't ya hate it when that happens. Cute story. Thanks