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Tuesday, January 15, 2008


This is a painting entitled, "Sleep" (oil on canvass, 1931) by Salvador Dali , a spanish surrealist painter, who is my greatest influence in art.

This painting is also one of Dali's self portraits where unlike in most of his imagery to represent himself, he has given himself here a mouth and, rather than resting on the ground, his image is supported by a series of crutches --which he uses often to symbolize "resurrection". I believe what he is trying to convey in this painting is, that through sleeping his surrealism prowess is always being ressurected.

"Sleep" is a very timely topic for me at the moment because I am still having difficulty falling asleep at night. Its already affecting my verbal skills to the extent that I always get "tongue twisted" during conversations -let alone my first language is not english!

Sleep is really important to us surrealist artists because it is the source of dreams that make the imagery of our surrealism art. Surrealism is about liberating the imagination --and since sleep is a rich source of imagination, I as a surrealist is becoming constricted not getting enough of it.

Do you have any advice about my sleep problem? Please post a comment.


Anuradha malik Jagdhari said...

Nope no advice about sleep. I always take about an hour or two to fall asleep. Too much going on in my mind all the time. Nice blog.

Robin Plan said...

I have problems getting my mind to shut down so I can sleep. Also would wake several times a night and end up being a tired and crabby person most days.
Here's what I use and market now. Calming Whole-Food Multi
No promises about what it will do for you.
Hope you find ways to get some good sleep.

Unknown said...

"Sound Sleep, Sound Mind" from Dr. Barry Krakow.. that's the answer.