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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Chess Master Bobby Fischer Dies at 64

REYKJAVIK, Iceland (AP) — Bobby Fischer, the reclusive chess genius who became a Cold War hero by dethroning the Soviet world champion in 1972 and later renounced his American citizenship, has died. He was 64.
Fisher died in a Reykjavik hospital on Thursday of kidney failure after a long illness, his spokesman, Gardar Sverrisson, said Friday.
Born in Chicago and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y., Fischer faced criminal charges in the United States for playing a 1992 rematch against Boris Spassky in Yugoslavia in defiance of international sanctions. In 2005, he moved to Iceland, a chess-mad nation and site of his greatest triumph.

hit counter

Saturday, January 19, 2008

10 Minutes of Chess Torture

Below is a snapshot of the 10-minute game I had at http://www.gameknot.com/.

A few moves back when I ended up a knight and a pawn ahead, my opponent tried to make fun of me by not resigning still. He unpolitely wanted to make me labour more just to finish the game. He was being funny. He was also attempting to make me lose the game by time run-out. Taking the humour out of it I deicided to get back at him by prolonging the game too.

I promoted every pawn to a queen as many as I could. There were also exchanges of chat during these attempts. It was humorous because his king was trapped to dance the cha-cha-cha in only two squares (f3 and f4 square). It was a 10-minute game and he lost on time. The result on the board is a very funny position --the king is on its own fighting against 4 queens and 4 chess men.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Shitty Day, Literally!

Yesterday I was on sick leave.

I've got the "shits" -and that is literally speaking! I was "shitty" (means in australian lingo as "having a bad mood") because I have the "runs" (an australian slang word for diarrhoea).

It was a bad case of tummy ache that the first thing I started doing at work is shitting runs! Even worst was the runs had wet my pants -underwear included! It was a nightmare situation! So I had to go back home.

As soon as I finished the toilet I sneak my way out the workplace to hide my wet pants and avoid the embarrassment. I dont have the car for another week so I had to pedal my bike going home! It was a case of "hit and run" --or maybe "shits and runs"?

Anyhow, going back to when I was still in the toilet room I saw a "raunchy"magazine on top of the water closet. There is nothing much to do inside the room so I started reading it (a good excuse to read eh?). Interestingly enough there was an article about art. By that discovery I already knew that it was meant to be read by an artist like me (see how good I am at justifying things?). I thought that this is something I have to post on my blog so I took photo of the magazine while I was shitting (it's called "multi-tasking" -doing more than one thing at the same time).

The article is about an australian sculptor who uses chicken wires as his medium. His name is Ivan Lovatt who was commissioned by the Jackman Gallery in Melbourne for a number of sculptures --each costing at more than AUD $ 10,000!

Some of his creations include famous people like Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger, Abraham Lincoln, Dame Edna and Bob Marley.

There you go, had it not been of my "runs" yesterday I wouldn't have had this article to share with you today!

The name of the raunchy magazine is "The Picture".

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


This is a painting entitled, "Sleep" (oil on canvass, 1931) by Salvador Dali , a spanish surrealist painter, who is my greatest influence in art.

This painting is also one of Dali's self portraits where unlike in most of his imagery to represent himself, he has given himself here a mouth and, rather than resting on the ground, his image is supported by a series of crutches --which he uses often to symbolize "resurrection". I believe what he is trying to convey in this painting is, that through sleeping his surrealism prowess is always being ressurected.

"Sleep" is a very timely topic for me at the moment because I am still having difficulty falling asleep at night. Its already affecting my verbal skills to the extent that I always get "tongue twisted" during conversations -let alone my first language is not english!

Sleep is really important to us surrealist artists because it is the source of dreams that make the imagery of our surrealism art. Surrealism is about liberating the imagination --and since sleep is a rich source of imagination, I as a surrealist is becoming constricted not getting enough of it.

Do you have any advice about my sleep problem? Please post a comment.

The Night I Whacked My Alter Ego, Part II

(If you haven’t read Part I, please click here first)

The rule of the match is to always play from a Najdorf position. He showed his closed hands so I can try to pick which hand has the white pawn. This is a standard chess practice of deciding who will get to play the white pieces first. Unfortunately for him (my alter ego), he is really me so I knew which hand he had hidden the white pawn. “Sucker!” I uttered with a grin on my face when I picked the hand where the white pawn is. “So you think you’re smart eh? Let’s see how well you’ll play.” -was his sarcastic reaction.

So the match began. Oh what a very hard experience! Playing him was the hardest games I have ever played in my entire life! I thought it’s just going to be easy to beat him because everything he will think he won’t be able to hide from me. But I forgot that I cannot also hide my thoughts from him.

The match ended in a draw. Of the total four games, we both lost one game as black using the Najdorf defence. From here an argument started. “See? Najdorf defence is not reliable!” He claimed furiously. “I have to disagree. We only lost with the Najdorf defence because we haven’t really mastered it yet sufficiently.” I said. He instantly popped his eyes and irritatedly said, “How would you know, you are just an alter ego!” Shocked and angered by his claim I said, “Excuse me? I am the alter ego? What a nut case you are! I am the one who is real, the real Joemar.” He started laughing and said, “What? So there are two real Joemar’s now? That can’t be right. There can only be one!” At this point I just knew that he intends to get rid of me by attacking me with a long sweeper handle lying just beside him.

Everything now happens very quickly. As he reach for the sweeper handle I was fortunate to remember the vacuum cleaner I rarely keep under the table. I hurriedly grab its long steel handle as my weapon. The scramble movements created strong vibrations of the whole place. So strong that it made some objects fall out of place and consequently triggered the camera to shoot! We were caught at the moment where I barely blocked his first attack (see photo above).

There I was, fighting for my life and is getting exhausted fast. He was gasping for air too. The fight continued but no one was able to hit the other. Eventually we both realised that even in fighting we are still aware of what the other is thinking therefore we will always know where to block. After the realization, an idea came to mind -that I should close my eyes instantly and swing the vacuum handle like crazy! Only a few swings with eyes closed and “Whacked!” It felt that I got him on the head.

I slowly opened my eyes, looked around, and there was no sight of him. I have survived!

But suddenly I realized that I was lying on the floor and felt a terrible pain at the back of my head. It was an enormous lump! So how did I end up lying on the floor having a huge lump on the head?

It became apparent. Hitting him is actually hitting myself!

The next morning I told Chris, my workmate, of my ordeal with my alter ego. Wanting to show Chris the photos I asked him if he believes my story. To my surprise he said, “Yes, because my own alter ego has come to work with me today and is just in the next room.” “Wow! Can you call him so we can take photo of us three?” I asked with excitement. “Certainly!” He said. And so we did (see photo above).

Author's note:

The above story is just "made up" and is only for humour :) The photos were done on a special camera.

Related video below.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Immortals (study)

This is a figure study drawing for my "The Immortals" composition.

It was drawn on a letter to my friend where I described the influence of "The Dance" painting by Matisse, on the concepts for a new painting.

My concept for the composition of the painting is that the figures will look like that they are dancing, but in reality they are not. Though they are not really dancing they are all in fact "in a dance of a situation" in life. Its about life and how sometimes immortality is achieved.

Please keep in touch for the progress of this work.

Suggestions or interpretations on the figures are welcomed.

Humane (the original version)

I have entitled this painting as "Humane". It was finished recklessly last 2005. Have a look at it real good because it is the original version.
Just last month, I started to do a rework on it and is currently undergoing major changes in its colour theme. I have also modified some details in the objects. Therefore you must expect that the new version will be looking really different.
This piece is my impression of the "Australian generosity" which is in surrealism style. To be more exact, a representational surrealism.
While I continue my rework can I please know your own interpretation of the painting? What does your own eyes tell you?
After the exercise I will tell you what I'm really trying to interpret in the painting. So keep in touch.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Night I Whacked My Alter Ego, Part I

It was another of those nights I’m having difficulty falling asleep. I tried counting sheep and when the count was at 901,384,309 I got frustrated noticing that there are some sheep crossing back to the fence where I started the counting. It made me lose count! The disappointment was so bad that it made me more awake!

Rather than do a recount, I just decided to watch TV. What a bad decision! It was dancing with the stars which kept me watching until my favourite celebrity is on. By the time they were announcing the scores I have been more awake as I was a while ago.

Maybe I could read a chess book that will make my mind tired at analysing chess positions? I’m sure it will make me feel sleepy, I thought. So from the book shelf I took a chess book about the Najdorf Defence. As I study the positions on my chess board, I wanted to try it at once on an opponent. But who am I going to play with, when I’m all by myself in the place? If I play over the internet there is no guarantee that my opponents will cooperate to reach my intended study position. What can I do? I asked myself. Hmmm.. If only I can summon my alter ego...

Suddenly I heard someone getting out of my bed walking out of the bedroom yawning. “Erhhh!” He yawns and said, " Why are you still up this time, shouldn’t you be sleeping?" It’s my alter ego looking and talking at me! I couldn’t believe it!!

"Ok, I know what you want. You want me to practice the Najdorf Defence with you isn’t that right?" He asked. “Oh yes please, what a fantastic idea!” I replied. “But first we should take photos together as this is one of a kind phenomenon. People will not believe me that I have played you --my own alter ego, if I have no evidence, you know.” I added. “Alright.” He said. So we took a photo together via a timed shot both holding the book, Mastering the Najdorf (see photo above). In the photo he is the one having a can of coke.

We were having a fantastic time studying the Najdorf Defence. Most of the positions are "double edged" and very sharp. There is a fair deal of tactical subtleties but it can also be played using a strategist style. It is quite a reliable defence and is a good choice to play for a win as black. No wonder the former world champion Kasparov uses this defence as his main weapon in most of his matches!

During the study my alter ego noticed my money lying on the table and was not able to help himself. “Hey, what about we make this game more interesting? Want to play for money? Most wins in four games?” He asked. I was a bit embarrassed to refuse as it was the first time he had shown himself to me physically. “Sure” I replied.

The bet was on! $20 a win! He went to the bedroom, snatched my piggy bank and took all the money inside to use as his bets. I can’t really complain as that money is technically his because he is really me –only as my alter ego.I was really excited to play him because I know we are of equal strength, as after all I am practically playing my own self! Yet at the time I still wonder a great deal on who would get the most wins...

.... continuation here.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Sculptures by Don Mueck

Don Mueck is a London-based photo-realist artist. Born in Melbourne , Australia , to parents who were toy makers, he labored on children's television shows for 15 years before working in special effects for such films as Labyrinth, a 1986 fantasy epic starring David Bowie. Eventually Mueck concluded that photography pretty much destroys the physical presence of the original object, and so he turned to fine art and sculpture. In the early 1990's, still in his advertising days, Mueck was commissioned to make something highly realistic, and was wondering what material would do the trick. Latex was the usual, but he wanted something harder, more precise. Luckily, he saw a little architectural decor on the wall of a boutique and inquired as to the nice, pink stuff's nature. Fiberglass resin was the answer, and Mueck has made it his bronze and marble ever since. His work is lifelike but not life size, and being face to face with the tiny, gossiping Two Women (2005) or the monumental woman In Bed (2005) is an unforgettable experience.
Source: Friend's email message

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Surrealist at Work

This is how my place looks like at the moment. A messy cluttered room while I prefer to keep the momentum going at a particular art work.

At the back you can see my chess trophies, chess books, chess board, art books, art materials.

Yes, its still a warm day so my clothes are every where :-)

Love, Surrealism, Poetry and Self Portrait

I was inspired about love being fragile so started composing a poem by personification. The context was seen from my personal perspective and so decided that I put my real name in the lines. The title is "Love is a Living Thing". The poem eventaully led me to compose a painting. And because the poem reflects my character, the artwork also reflected an image of me. The title of the painting is "Loving Mother Playing To Her Child in Self Portrait"

Hope you will all like it. If not, please suggest improvement.
Thank you.

Love is a Living Thing
(c) Joemar Lacson 2002

Just shower me care so meek and mild
Or pamper me like a feeble child,
Exalted and proud would then I will bloom,
Making more flowery smiles amidst the gloom;
Allowing joviality shines beyond your skies,
Rendering spectacles within your eyes.

Love indeed is a living thing,
And so must you yield and bring
Careful arms to keep it warm,
Steadfast devotion to keep it from harm,
Or else, it will cease to grow,
Never again to live because of sorrow.

(Read all first letter to get the name of the author)

A Hot Day

The time is 7:56 pm and its 33 celsius. Wouldnt mind to have a second shower. I woke up very late today 12:22pm. I spent almost the rest of the day script editing my other webpages. I dont feel like playing chess online again at the moment. Eyes are now too tired to stare at the computer.

After some editing work on features of this blog tried to see what others blog are doing. And so I came to discover a funny video posted on one blog and I think its worth to post it here as well.

Its also a good time to share one of my unfinished drawings when I studied in an art class.

The camera did not quite capture the real white colour of the paper. It still looks good - let alone it was drawn using only one soft charcoal.

I may sound harsh but the actual practice of capturing what is visually seen from reality bores me a little. Why try to copy what a camera can do?

I rather use my art skill to capture what the naked eye does not see, and make it visibly real for the mind to witness.

I am fond of using subliminal messages because it somehow entice curiousity from the viewer, which is very essential for them to gain some enlightenment.

This is why surrealism art really appeals to me.

My Very First Post: The Fly Box

Hello blog!

Another late evening. Another insufficient sleeping.

Today was a bad day. Most of the day was spent fixing the bike, and still the tire tube is seeping out air!

Had to walk 20 minutes under the basking sun to buy groceries. Bugger! -- I forgot to buy fruits! It was refreshing inside Coles where the aircon is reved-up, and yes, the cold green tea was fantastic! The thirst was finished off by the usual bottled mineral water.

While at the supermarket looking for a fly paper to get back at the flies who bit me a few times while I was fixing the bike, I was amazed to see a new invention to kill flies.

A fly box! Instead of sticky materials to catch flies it has poison saps around the rim.

The flies are attracted to eat the sap and when they do eat it they slowly die as they fly away.

One thing I dont like about this fly box though is now I have to find dead flies around the place unlike with the usual fly paper you are sure that all the dead flies are in a bunch ready for one disposal job.

Revenge is as sweet as a sap!